Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The hypocrisy of the Church revisited

Remember yesterday, when I pointed to the fact that an organisation like the Catholic Church, that sits on billions in assets and asks its followers for donations while paying no taxes, is incredibly hypocritical in bemoaning poor children who lack basic necessities ?

Try and top that, I mean, how hypocritical can you be ? Well, Ratzinger the Catholic Pope did it easily, here he is :

Together let us ask God?s help for the peoples of the Horn of Africa, who suffer from hunger and food shortages, aggravated at times by a persistent state of insecurity. May the international community not fail to offer assistance to the many displaced persons coming from that region and whose dignity has been sorely tried.

Spoken by a guy in a gold-embroided robe, standing before a golden chair, in his own palace full of artworks worth millions, a guy whose flock are asked for donations at every church service. Can you bloody believe it. I need a new irony meter.

Source: http://furiouspurpose.me/the-hypocrisy-of-the-church-revisited/

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