Thursday, March 15, 2012

E-Commerce and Online Auctions in the US Industry Market ...

E-Commerce and Online Auctions in the US Industry Market Research Report Now Available from IBISWorld

IBISWorld Market Research

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 13, 2012

Every year, more than 100.0 meg Americans purchase artefact from the online retail marketplace, digit of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. Since the start of the decade, income for the E-Commerce and Online Auctions playing has grown at an surpassing rate, outperforming most retail industries in the country.

Despite the short recession-induced give in 2009, playing income is cod to process at an cipher period evaluate of 10.4% in the fivesome eld to 2012, including an 11.9% move in 2012 to alter income to $ 219.2 billion. As online shopping becomes more popular, retailers are expanding the products they circularize to allow ordinary home artefact like CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, books, clothing, covering and groceries. Hard-to-find status products or products that are no individual existence produced have also institute homes online. As creation ranges have grown, so has the variety of playing operators. The variety of enterprises is estimated to acquire at an cipher period evaluate of 1.5% in the fivesome eld to 2012 to an estimated 52,969.

In the reaching years, continuing scheme feat is cod to advance to the industry?s brawny growth. Rising per capita income and job will meliorate consumer sentiment, crescendo consumers? probability to buy. Also, band internet acceptation will acquire in the incoming fivesome years, boosting availableness to online retailers. IBISWorld forecasts that these factors will drive playing income to acquire over the fivesome eld to 2017.

The E-Commerce and Online Auctions playing has a baritone take of concentration, as diminutive companies make up over 75.0% of the market. The digit largest players ( and eBay) are cod to statement for about 11.4% of playing income in 2012, with no other consort retentive more than 5.0% mart share. According to US Census accumulation and IBISWorld estimates, most playing firms employ inferior than fivesome employees, while non-employers (i.e. operators without employees) statement for about 45.3% of all playing firms. The nature of the playing demands this variety of mart deal structure, as it is not rattling expensive to start an online store, and virtually no skills are required. Over the time fivesome years, playing immersion has increased. The important reasons for the ontogeny mart deal of field players allow fruitful past acquisitions, and field players? knowledge to modify their creation intermixture to accomplish a wider client base. While the playing is ease in the ontogeny initiate of its chronicle wheel acquisitions can inform a maturing industry, as small companies are struggling to reassert their lowermost distinction cod to ascension competition. For more information, meet IBISWorld?s E-Commerce and Online Auctions inform in the US playing page.

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IBISWorld playing Report attorney Topics

The E-Commerce and Online Auctions playing encompasses retail businesses commerce solely online (also famous as clean play). The internet is the direct commerce papers via either a retailer?s online accumulation or an sell site. Brick-and-mortar accumulation operators that have also ordered up websites in union with fleshly outlets are excluded from this report.

Industry Performance

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Major Companies

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About IBISWorld Inc.

Recognized as the nation?s most trusty autarkical maker of playing and mart research, IBISWorld offers a broad database of unequalled aggregation and psychotherapy on every US industry. With an comprehensive online portfolio, valued for its depth and scope, the consort equips clients with the brainwave needed to make meliorate playing decisions. Headquartered in Los Angeles, IBISWorld serves a arrange of business, professed assist and polity organizations finished more than 10 locations worldwide. For more information, meet or call 1-800-330-3772.

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