Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Learn Social Media Video Marketing - the Easy Way

There is always something new online, today we have Facebook and Twitter and many savvy marketers are using both to drive a ton of very qualified traffic to their website. To really amp up the results you can also do social media marketing video.? You can use this method to promote pretty much any type of product you can think of online.

The one underlying thing to keep in mind whenever you use video to market a product or service is that the quality of the video will go a long way in determining what kind of results you get. A poorly made, hard to see or hear video won?t do much to make you look like a knowledgeable expert in your niche. No one expects Academy Award caliber videos, but they must be well laid out and visually appealing.

For most marketing videos the K.I.S.S. acronym works extremely well: Keep It Simple Stupid. Don?t go over the top with flashy graphics or loud music. It?s much better to just deliver a quality video that will help your target audience handle some problem or issue in the shortest amount of time possible. That?s really all they want, someone who can show them how to do the one thing they desperately want to know how to do.

It could be to potty train their Pitbull, start seedlings, or just learn how to make big bucks online. Whatever it is, if you can show them in easy to follow steps, on video, how they can do it, they?ll be your friend forever. According to magnet4marketing blog, when it comes to web surfers the attention span is usually quite short, so any video that takesmore than 1-2 minutes to grab the attnetion of the viewer, will fail to produce good enough results.

Don?t go hog wild and invest thousands in high tech gear to record your videos. Instead a few hundred dollars, some screen capture software and/ or a video camera, a tripod (optional) and a decent microphone is really all you need.

Once you?ve assembled the tools you need to come up with a compelling video.? Again, pinpoint the one issue the people in your niche face and then teach them a way to overcome that issue.

Don?t get tongue tied or stammer throughout the video either. Make an outline of the major points you want to cover so you don?t get distracted and jump from one point to another.? Don?t talk too fast or too slow. You have to make sure that you?re viewers can not only understand you but hopefully that they?ll come to trust and like you too.

That?s the huge benefit on using video online, it greatly increases the personalization of the otherwise impersonal internet. It allows you to connect with people on a much deeper level and if you use that properly, it can make a huge difference in your business.

Being able to allow your visitors to hear your voice and see your face while you give them help with a problem they?re having is taking social media marketing video to a whole new level. Remember, it takes an average of 7 contacts with people before they feel comfortable enough with you to make a purchase, by allowing people to really get to ?know? you through video, you can get the most out of those 7 contacts and maybe even speed up the process.

Internet Marketing Articles


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