Wednesday, October 31, 2012

E. coli adapts to colonize plants

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? New research from the Institute of Food Research has given new clues as to how some E. coli strains, normally at home in mammalian gastrointestinal tracts, have adopted slightly different transmission strategies, with some being better adapted to live on plants than others.

In the light of recent outbreaks of food poisoning due to contamination of vegetables by dangerous strains of E. coli, this information will be useful to making sure our food remains safe.

E. coli is most at home in the warm, moist, nutrient-rich environment found in the gastrointestinal tract of warm-blooded animals. But to disperse from one host to another these bacteria must get out into the world. There is evidence that some E. coli can survive for several weeks outside the host, and even grow in water or soil. But it is on plant matter that E. coli colonisation has become a concern, as although most types of E. coli are harmless, the presence of pathogenic strains on fruit and vegetables presents a food safety risk.

To find out more, the IFR team took the first comprehensive look at the differences between the populations of E. coli growing on crop plants and populations in the mammalian gut. Funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, they took over 100 isolates from leafy parts of vegetables growing in fields in England. Analysis of these showed that even within the same field the E. coli population is diverse and complex. They then compared these isolates with a standard reference collection of E. coli taken from mammals, including humans, from different continents.

Profiling the two groups found a number of significant differences depending on the source of isolation. Compared to the habitat inside the gut, a leaf surface is a hostile environment for gut bacteria. The temperature fluctuates away from the constant 37 ?C inside our bodies, and there is a greater risk of drying out.

The researchers found that E. coli populations derived from plants tended to form biofilms more readily. Biofilms are complex structures formed by populations of bacteria coming together to make a thin film over a surface. They are held together by a protective extracellular matrix of proteins and sugars, and the researchers saw that there was also an increase in the production of components of this matrix in E. coli derived from the fields. These strains also used sucrose and other plant-derived sugars more than the E. coli populations derived from mammalian sources.

Biofilms might help to prevent E. coli drying out outside of its host and being able to take advantage of plant sugars could also aid their survival outside the main host, although overall the plant strains showed lower growth on the usual carbon sources E. coli uses.

An analysis showed that these differences are associated with previously defined phylogentic groups of E. coli showing that different environmental conditions have a selective effect in the evolution of different groups. While some have become more generalised, adapting to life outside the mammalian gut, others have remained specialised for life in this environment, avoiding the associated growth penalty.

"While it was known that different environments harboured different E. coli populations, we now have an idea on how and why this happens," said Sacha Lucchini. "Knowledge of the mechanisms involved in plant colonisation by E. coli provides targets for developing strategies aimed at preventing potentially dangerous E. coli strains from colonising vegetables, thus keeping them off our plates."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Norwich BioScience Institutes.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Guillaume M?ric, E. Katherine Kemsley, Daniel Falush, Elizabeth J. Saggers, Sacha Lucchini. Phylogenetic distribution of traits associated with plant colonization in Escherichia coli. Environmental Microbiology, 2012; DOI: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02852.x

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Refinance Applications Decrease in Latest MBA Weekly Survey ...

WASHINGTON, D.C. ? October 31, 2012 ? (RealEstateRama) ? Mortgage applications decreased 4.8 percent from one week earlier, according to data from the Mortgage Bankers Association?s (MBA) Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey for the week ending October 26, 2012.

The Market Composite Index, a measure of mortgage loan application volume, decreased 4.8 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis from one week earlier. On an unadjusted basis, the Index decreased 5 percent compared with the previous week. The Refinance Index decreased 6 percent from the previous week to the lowest level since the end of August. The seasonally adjusted Purchase Index increased 1 percent from one week earlier. The unadjusted Purchase Index declined 0.3 percent compared with the previous week and was 6 percent higher than the same week one year ago.

The refinance share of mortgage activity decreased to 80 percent of total applications from 81 percent the previous week. The adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) share of activity decreased to 4 percent of total applications.

The average contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with conforming loan balances ($417,500 or less) increased to 3.65 percent from 3.63 percent, with points decreasing to 0.39 from 0.45 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent loan-to-value ratio (LTV) loans. The effective rate increased from last week. The 30-year fixed contract rate is at the highest level since mid-September.

The average contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages with jumbo loan balances (greater than $417,500) increased to 3.94 percent from 3.85 percent, with points decreasing to 0.36 from 0.42 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans. The effective rate increased from last week. The 30-year jumbo contract rate is at the highest level since mid-September.

The average contract interest rate for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages backed by the FHA remained unchanged at 3.41 percent, with points increasing to 0.76 from 0.61 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans. The effective rate increased from last week. The FHA contract rate is at the highest level since the end of September.

The average contract interest rate for 15-year fixed-rate mortgages decreased to 2.95 percent from 2.96 percent, with points decreasing to 0.35 from 0.36 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans. The effective rate decreased from last week.

The average contract interest rate for 5/1 ARMs decreased to 2.66 percent from 2.72 percent, with points remaining unchanged at 0.33 (including the origination fee) for 80 percent LTV loans. The effective rate decreased from last week.

If you would like to purchase a subscription of MBA?s Weekly Applications Survey, please visit, contact or click here.

The survey covers over 75 percent of all U.S. retail residential mortgage applications, and has been conducted weekly since 1990. Respondents include mortgage bankers, commercial banks and thrifts. Base period and value for all indexes is March 16, 1990=100.


The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is the national association representing the real estate finance industry, an industry that employs more than 280,000 people in virtually every community in the country. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the association works to ensure the continued strength of the nation?s residential and commercial real estate markets; to expand homeownership and extend access to affordable housing to all Americans. MBA promotes fair and ethical lending practices and fosters professional excellence among real estate finance employees through a wide range of educational programs and a variety of publications. Its membership of over 2,200 companies includes all elements of real estate finance: mortgage companies, mortgage brokers, commercial banks, thrifts, Wall Street conduits, life insurance companies and others in the mortgage lending field. For additional information, visit MBA?s Web site:

Tagged as: Survey



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Smart as a bird: Flying rescue robot will autonomously avoid obstacles

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? Cornell researchers have created an autonomous flying robot that is as smart as a bird when it comes to maneuvering around obstacles.

Able to guide itself through forests, tunnels or damaged buildings, the machine could have tremendous value in search-and-rescue operations. Small flying machines are already common, and GPS technology provides guidance. Now, Ashutosh Saxena, assistant professor of computer science, and his team are tackling the hard part: how to keep the vehicle from slamming into walls and tree branches. Human controllers can't always react swiftly enough, and radio signals may not reach everywhere the robot goes.

The test vehicle is a quadrotor, a commercially available flying machine about the size of a card table with four helicopter rotors. Saxena and his team have already programmed quadrotors to navigate hallways and stairwells using 3-D cameras. But in the wild, these cameras aren't accurate enough at large distances to plan a route around obstacles. So, Saxena is building on methods he previously developed to turn a flat video camera image into a 3-D model of the environment using such cues as converging straight lines, the apparent size of familiar objects and what objects are in front of or behind each other -- the same cues humans unconsciously use to supplement their stereoscopic vision.

Graduate students Ian Lenz and Mevlana Gemici trained the robot with 3-D pictures of such obstacles as tree branches, poles, fences and buildings; the robot's computer learns the characteristics all the images have in common, such as color, shape, texture and context -- a branch, for example, is attached to a tree. The resulting set of rules for deciding what is an obstacle is burned into a chip before the robot flies. In flight the robot breaks the current 3-D image of its environment into small chunks based on obvious boundaries, decides which ones are obstacles and computes a path through them as close as possible to the route it has been told to follow, constantly making adjustments as the view changes. It was tested in 53 autonomous flights in obstacle-rich environments -- including Cornell's Arts Quad -- succeeding in 51 cases, failing twice because of winds. The results were presented at the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in Portugal Oct. 7-12.

Saxena plans to improve the robot's ability to respond to environment variations such as winds, and enable it to detect and avoid moving objects, like real birds; for testing purposes, he suggests having people throw tennis balls at the flying vehicle.

The project is supported by a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Cornell University. The original article was written by Bill Steele.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Statistics: The middle tells you nothing about the ... - Eco-Business

Occupy London protestors outside St Paul?s Cathedral in 2011. Some of the activists were protesting against corporate greed and rising inequality. Photo: wheelzwheeler.

In commenting on the middle versus extremes, others have said ?Lies, damn lies, and statistics.? Two examples of statistics at their devilish work are provided by climate change, and economic growth. First, the Daily Mail and other pundits who want to belittle the credibility of climate science argue that the latest average global temperatures demonstrate that if climate is changing, it?s doing so very modestly, if at all, and that the models used are hopelessly inadequate. Hence, we should stop trying to shackle economic growth by imposing controls on carbon emissions, and get rid of subsidies on renewable energy.

The second case examines and questions our measures for economic growth and prosperity. For too long we have relied on taking the average GDP per person as a good proxy for a nation?s well-being and, while acknowledging the importance of distribution, this has usually been relegated to esoteric discussions of Gini coefficients (used to measure the inequality of income levels).

On climate change, it is puzzling that the overall global temperature has been flat-lining for the last decade. Climate scientists offer various reasons for why this might be so, such as the high level of aerosols in the atmosphere, and low levels of solar activity which both depress warming. Equally, the last few years have seen greater influence from the La Ni?a currents in the Pacific which bring lower temperatures. Yet, basic physics tells us that burning all the fossil fuel energy we do must generate a consequence. It looks increasingly likely that heat and energy from carbon emissions are being captured in the oceans, and taken down to lower levels where they are not so visible to measurement devices. But we should also remember that the planet Earth is a complex multi-layered system, and our models can only imperfectly describe how these layers of atmosphere, land and oceans interact.

Averages, however, tell only a small part of the picture today. Climate change has been affecting different parts of the planet in a very uneven fashion, and this looks likely to continue. In the short term, much of the northern hemisphere may actually gain from longer growing seasons, warmer winters and carbon fertilisation of crops. This may partly account for the stubbornness of countries like Canada to take any measures to curb greenhouse gases. By contrast, in many parts of the southern hemisphere, climate change has already brought much harsher more difficult conditions. In the western African Sahel region, rainfall has fallen by 30 per cent over the last 40 years, stressing farm and livestock systems that were already short of water. In the Horn of Africa, the fluctuations of drought and flood have been rendered yet more volatile. In Bangladesh, sea level rises and more intense storm surges have forced hundreds of thousands to leave their homes and land. If these extremes become more common, looking at the average doesn?t give the full picture and hides a very different, volatile reality for those living in the tropics.

Similarly, if measuring economic well-being through a simple analysis of GDP, the US is often portrayed as the most successful economy on earth, with lessons to offer others. But this hides the extreme inequality to be found within its borders. The October 13th issue of the Economist has brought to the fore evidence of the extraordinary skew in disposable incomes that has developed over the last 20 to 30 years in the country. They show that, including capital gains, the share of national incomes going to the top 1 per cent of Americans has doubled since 1980 (from 10 per cent ? 20 per cent to where it was roughly 100 years ago. Meanwhile, the top 0.1 per cent of Americans (representing just 16,000 families) have quadrupled their share of the national income, from 1 per cent to almost 5 per cent ? ?a bigger slice of the pie? than the super-rich received even 100 years ago.

While global inequality is decreasing, inequality within most countries ? such as India, China, South Africa, Canada and Britain ? is rising. The main exceptions can be found in Latin America, where countries like Brazil and Chile are bucking this trend.

In Britain and North America there are many reasons which help explain this big shift in distribution over this period, from the rise in the financial sector, the fall in education amongst lower income groups, cutbacks in the regulation of corporations, and the impacts of globalisation which have reduced wage rates and union bargaining power in richer nations.

Averages like a country?s overall GDP mask these extremes of inequality. As Chrystia Freeland argues in her New York Times opinion piece, inequality becomes a big problem for society as a whole when those at the top use the political system to perpetuate their control, and shut the door on innovation and creativity bubbling up from below. While the super-rich often vaunt the importance of free markets and the private sector, ?it is usually through acquiring preferential influence over government that they can further advance their interests and wealth; they ?channel the state?s scarce resources in their own direction?, and stop others feeding at the trough.

Anyone who cares about addressing climate change should care about restoring democratic process, and seek accountability to the average Joe. We need to find a means to break the grip of the 1 per cent (and the 0.1 per cent) on the political levers of power. If we don?t, we?ll see ever more extreme events ? with the rich getting ever richer and the climate system delivering harder, harsher conditions to those who?ve contributed least to global warming.

Humans have been endowed with remarkable intelligence, yet we?re often lazy of mind. An average gives you singular clarity, but can be misleading. ?Just as both torso and abdomen are equal parts of the human being, looking at the spread of data that lies behind a single figure can lead to seeing a more complex, full picture in the end ? warts and all.

Camilla Toulmin is director of the International Institute for Environment and Development. This article was originally published on the IIED website under a Creative Commons license.


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Canada export agency cuts 2012-13 forecasts, sees U.S. rebound

OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's export credit agency cut its 2012 forecast for growth in exports of goods and services on Tuesday in the wake of the European crisis, but it said exporters will see benefits next year from a recovery in the U.S. private sector.

Export Development Canada said 2012 exports would increase by 4.6 percent from 2011, down from the 7.1 percent it forecast in April. The agency also cut its 2013 export growth forecast to 6.3 percent from an earlier 7.3 percent.

Canada is heavily dependent on exports of goods and services, which accounted for just over 31 percent of gross domestic product in 2011. Around 75 percent of all exports go to the United States.

Canada, bolstered by the huge U.S. market, ran trade surpluses for more than three decades until the economic crisis of 2008. In December of that year it posted a deficit, the first since March 1976, and since then has put in a much more mixed performance as the economy of its largest trading partner has struggled.

Exporters are finding it hard to compete because of the strength of the Canadian dollar, increased competition, and weak markets. Canada recorded five straight trade deficits from April to August.

"We had a very soft underbelly in the economy in the summer," the agency's chief economist, Peter Hall, said in a phone interview, referring to investor concerns about U.S. debt and about the Greek election in June.

"There was a lot of worry ... but what we are seeing now is that that indeed was a temporary event."

Hall said Canada's close ties to the United States mean exporters will benefit as the recovery there takes hold.

Real U.S. retail sales have grown at an 8 percent annualized rate for the last three months, while housing construction is up 35 percent year-over-year, he said. Canada is a major supplier of building materials to the United States.

U.S. corporations, Hall said, are sitting on $5.7 trillion worth of cash.

"You take a slight sliver of that and that has a dramatic impact. That's the way we're adding things up ... How can you possibly have aggressive growth numbers like that and see GDP at 2 percent or less going forward?" he said.

EDC says the U.S. economy will expand by 2.8 percent in 2013 following 2.3 percent growth this year.

"The Canadian trade numbers don't look great at the moment and certainly the third quarter numbers are very disturbing. But when we put it in context, there is no reason that we have to believe that that should continue, given what's going on in the United States," Hall said.

The EDC forecast Canadian growth of 2 percent in 2012 and 2.2 percent in 2013. It said the Canadian dollar will dip from parity with the U.S. dollar this year to 97 U.S. cents next year. (Editing by Janet Guttsman; and Peter Galloway)


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Vampires and Zombies for a Happy Halloween ? Pet News and Views

By Michele C. Hollow of Pet News and Views

In the spirit of Halloween, I found this wonderful video about frozen wood frogs. Yes, I am officially a nerd, but I think this back-from-the-dead video is awesome. Watch and let me know what you think.

Vampire fish taken by Robert Wintner.


And here is a cool photo of a Vampire fish. The photo is from the book,?Neptune Speaks, by Snorkel Bob.

For those of us on the East Coast, Halloween has been cancelled due to hurricane Sandy. I know my son isn?t happy about this, but the pets in the neighborhood should delight in this news. ?If you are celebrating, here are a few posts that will keep your pets safe:

Halloween Treats for Your Cats, Dogs and Horses

?Halloween Safety for Black Cats and Other Pets

Black Cats and Halloween















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Legal Complaint Filed Over Chau Campaign Mailer - Arcadia, CA ...

The wife of 49th Assembly District candidate Dr. Matthew Lin has filed a legal complaint against Ed Chau's campaign for distributing campaign mailers displaying her full name, home address and social security number.

The four mailers released Oct. 18 featured copies of out-of-date tax liens alongside claims Joy and Matthew Lin neglected to pay county and state taxes. The mailers also had aerial photos of the couple's home, describing it as a "San Marino mansion with tennis courts and a pool."

According to the 9-page complaint filed Friday with the Los Angeles Superior Court, one of the tax liens featured on the flyer displayed only Joy Lin's name and social security number, with "nothing on the face of that document showing any connection Dr. (Matthew) Lin."

Also, the liens in questions were erroneous and had been released several years ago.?

By distributing the flyers, the Chau campaign had "invaded? (Joy Lin's) right to privacy as to her personal and financial affairs and as to her social security number," the complaint read. Furthermore, "These flyers and their contents placed (Joy Lin) in a false light in the eyes of the public which is objectionable to a reasonable person."

The Chau campaign reportedly ignored repeated requests from Lin's legal team to stop disseminating the flyers.

"Like" Arcadia Patch on Facebook for real-time updates on this story.

"I personally knew that when I decided to run for office, it would be difficult on our family and that there would be misleading information about me, but never did I foresee having my opponent, attack my wife personally and potentially subject her to identify theft and credit fraud,? Matthew Lin said a media statement.? ?My name is on the ballot and I am the one running for office, not my wife, the actions taken by Ed Chau seem low, even for a trial lawyer.?

Patch is awaiting a response from Chau's campaign.

Check Patch for updates on this story.


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NYC Marathon planning moves forward after Sandy

NEW YORK (AP) ? The 26 miles might be the easy part.

The biggest challenge for this New York City Marathon on Sunday could be getting to the start, not the finish.

The mayor of storm-battered New York says the race is still on, but flying in runners from out of town will be tricky, and there may not be a subway to get everyone to the starting line.

Superstorm Sandy shut down transportation, closed airports, flooded streets and left scores of neighborhoods without power ? formidable obstacles for the organizers.

Still, they were moving forward with plans Tuesday, leaving open the possibility of changes from past years.

"The marathon has always been a special day for New Yorkers as a symbol of the vitality and resiliency of this city," New York Road Runners President Mary Wittenberg said in a statement.

The 26.2-mile route through the five boroughs mostly avoids the areas hit hardest by flooding. Organizers were expecting nearly 50,000 runners before the storm hit. However they have no idea how many will actually make it to start the race.

"We will keep all options open with regard to making any accommodations and adjustments necessary to race day and race weekend events," she said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it could be four or five days before the subways were running again, which means they may not be available on race day. Commuter trains may not be operating normally, either.

The starting line is on Staten Island and about half the entrants normally would take the ferry and others would take buses through the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel. Both were closed because of flooding.

The marathon was projected to pour $340 million into the city, but it also requires major support from municipal departments strained by the monster storm that wreaked havoc Monday evening.

"The city is rightfully focused on assessment, restoration and recovery," Wittenberg said.

JFK Airport was set to reopen for some flights Wednesday; it wasn't known when LaGuardia and Newark airports would reopen, making it difficult to get in and out of the New York area.

Nearly 20,000 amateur international runners were scheduled to fly in for the race. Family and friends of runners must somehow find a way to their viewing spots.

Runners who can't get to New York should have until Saturday instead of Wednesday to withdraw from the race and reserve a spot in the 2013 marathon, but they won't get a refund and will have to pay again next year.

Race organizers expected to reschedule the elite runners' flights to get them in on time. The 43rd edition of the marathon is set to include three Olympic medalists and the reigning women's world champion.

Kenya's Wilson Kipsang won bronze in the Olympic men's marathon. His challengers include 2011 Chicago Marathon champ Moses Mosop of Kenya, 2010 New York winner Gebre Gebremariam of Ethiopia and top American Meb Keflezighi.

In 2009, Keflezighi became the first American since Alberto Salazar in 1982 to win New York. He was fourth at the Olympics.

Ethiopia's Tiki Gelana won gold and Russia's Tatyana Arkhipova took bronze in the women's race in London. Edna Kiplagat of Kenya won a world title a year earlier.

Last year's runner-up in New York, Ethiopian Buzunesh Deba, doesn't have to get on a plane to make the race. She knows exactly what the city is going through ? Deba lives in the Bronx.


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China Mulls Investment Tax Reform - Business Insider

SHANGHAI (Reuters) - China may apply a sliding scale to taxing stock dividends in a bid to encourage long-term investment, the China Securities Journal reported on Monday, citing unidentified government officials.

Under the proposal, investors holding a stock for more than a month would gain preferential tax treatment, while holding a stock for more than a year would win deeper tax cuts, the newspaper said.

The government was also studying tax policies in relation to Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) and the trading of crude oil futures, it said.

China's government has rolled out a series of measures recently in an effort to stabilize the stock market, which has fallen 6 percent so far this year following a 22 percent slump in 2011.

(Reporting by Samuel Shen and Kazunori Takada; Editing by Richard Pullin)


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Concert Business Grinds to a Halt in Hurricane Sandy's Wake ...

Robert Nickelsberg/Getty Images

October 30, 2012 3:45 PM ET

David Byrne and St. Vincent had to postpone their appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman tonight in New York because one of their backup musicians was stuck in Mexico City, a monitor engineer was stranded in San Francisco and a horn player flew from Portland to Minneapolis to Washington, D.C., before finally realizing he couldn't even get into the city via car. "A lot of the alternative plans that got made were then themselves canceled," says David T. Viecelli, one of the duo's managers, adding they'll still appear Thursday on The Colbert Report and hope to reschedule Letterman. "It was a constantly rolling readjustment period ? 'we have to do this more convoluted thing.'"

In addition to drowning subways, knocking down trees, exploding transformers and generally disrupting life in New York and the East Coast, Hurricane Sandy has scrambled the entertainment business, particularly music. Broadway shows and performances at Carnegie Hall, Radio City Music Hall and Lincoln Center were canceled on Monday and Tuesday; late-night hosts Letterman and Jimmy Fallon performed their regular shows yesterday with no live audiences, while Jimmy Kimmel nixed a live taping of his show in Brooklyn;?Journey canceled their show tonight at Brooklyn's Barclays Center; and Louis C.K., Mos Def, Ghostface Killah, and Grimes all canceled Monday night gigs.

Hurricane Sandy Disrupts East Coast Concerts

Other acts are cancelling shows outside of the New York metropolitian area. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band postponed their Rochester, New York concert from Tuesday to Wednesday; Trey Anastasio moved his Sunday night show in Port Chester to November 5th; Cat Power's Sunday gig in Philadelphia was pushed to January 2nd; and indie-rockers the xx and?electronic dance music star Pretty Lights scrapped tour dates throughout the East Coast.?

Perry Greenfield, who manages singer-songwriter Rufus Wainwright, spent the last two days with nowhere to go because his Red Light Management office is on Sandy-ravaged Wall Street. Wainwright's appearance, with fun. and the National for the Freedom to Love Now! marriage-equality benefit at the Beacon Theatre, was canceled tonight ? and Greenfield had to deal with the logistics from his Manhattan apartment with no Internet or cable. "It was tough yesterday," he says by phone. "We had a few stranded folks."

In the short term, the canceled concerts will merely be a financial hit for artists, venues and promoters. When New Yorkers and other residents in Sandy-affected states assess the damage, some predict longer-term repercussions. Sarah Kesselman, director of events and talent buyer for Santos Party House in Manhattan, had to postpone a sold-out Shiny Toy Guns show tonight and may not reopen until Thursday ? tough to overcome during Halloween week. "It's not that there is damage to the club, but we don't have power, so it's just a matter of canceling all the concerts," she says. "It is affecting us financially." A top promoter told Billboard he expected "an impact on our budgets and earnings."

Smaller clubs in especially rough weather zones may have longer-term problems, too. Owners of New York fixtures such as legendary jazz club Village Vanguard, Arlene's Grocery and Terra Blues couldn't be reached Monday, but Greenfield fears the worst. "It's in a basement in the West Village," he says. "Who knows what's going on." John Scher, a longtime New York City promoter who had no power in his suburban home, is even more apocalyptic. "New York's a disaster. Manhattan's closed down," says Scher, who canceled three shows in the city this week, including Rickie Lee Jones Thursday at the Concert Hall. "There's no power in Manhattan from 34th Street south ? that pretty much makes about 90 percent of the clubs in the rock space, and the subways are completely closed and flooded. Losing a week of shows probably will hurt a lot."?

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93% Looper

All Critics (229) | Top Critics (41) | Fresh (214) | Rotten (15)

The reasoning behind all this may not reward prolonged inspection, but Johnson is smart enough to press onward with his plot, leaving us with neither the time nor the desire to linger over the logic ...

Writer-director Rian Johnson establishes himself as an original talent who clearly believes storytelling must prevail.

A mind-bending ride that is not afraid to slow down now and again, to explore themes of regret and redemption, solitude and sacrifice, love and loss. It's a movie worth seeing and, perhaps, going back to see again.

Looper has more heart than Brick and the 2008 con-man flick The Brothers Bloom. Both fine achievements, they could also be described as viscerally cerebral.

I'm a sucker for time-travel movies.

Looper felt to me like a maddening near-miss ...

A thought-provoking, heart-pounding take on the applications and ethics of time travel which, oddly enough, doubles up as a lesson in the importance of good parenting.

This is one of those rare genre movies (like the original TERMINATOR) that reminds us that Sci-Fi can be smart. It's much more than just a bunch of special effects and explosions. It's what all movies should aspire to be.

While it sometimes feels like it's trying to do much, Looper manages to be a creditable and exciting sci-fi flick that homages the past while carving out a unique identity.

Much as he did in Brick, Johnson creates a carefully drawn world in Looper that exists by its own particular set of rules.

... has an irresistible energy and a don't-give-a-damn unpredictability ...

Beautifully crafted, acted and written.

Anchors high-concept thrills and captivating ideas in a world of challenging morality and intricate personal consequences.

Truly imaginative but all the twists and turns make the overall film difficult to follow. Plus Gordon-Levitt has not reached leading man status yet.

Kind of a reverse-"Terminator" without any of James Cameron's wit (or wisdom),

An endlessly creative mind-blowing film that captures everything right about the movie going experience. Johnson conjures up the most imaginative action/science fiction film since 'Inception.'

Part science fiction, part mob movie, and with a nice infusion of dark comedy at just the right moments, Looper is Johnson's best movie yet, and manages to be hugely entertaining, affecting, and thought-provoking.

takes us far beyond the film's high-concept premise into the kind of emotional terrain that too often escapes even the best genre filmmakers

Doesn't quite reach the heights of the lofty ideals that it so ardently seeks to expound, but makes up for this with the sheer thrill of the journey Rian Johnson takes us on.

Ingenious with a fine performance by Emily Blunt, but far too much cold-blooded violence.

Engaging, exciting, and successfully cross-breeding elements of Terminator and even Pet Sematary, Looper is a solid work of palatable science-fiction.

Looper's super. An action-thriller that bothers to have a brain.

Looper may not take us back to the future as satisfyingly as Robert Zemeckis' Marty McFly trilogy or James Cameron's Terminator franchise, but writer-director Rian Johnson does enough right to all but guarantee that he has a future cult film on the books.

The best time travel films play on emotion rather than logic, and once Looper realises this and drops all the tail-chasing about how time travel works it settles into the engrossing action/drama about destiny it should have been from the get go.

Has more depth, smarts, and heart than the usual sci-fi bluster.

A just about brilliant sci-fi crime-drama-thriller mostly set in the years 2044 and 2074. Rian Johnson is a rare director who creates entertainment with depth.

More Critic Reviews


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Teleseminar Basics ? the fastest way to start offering your own ...

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Dear Busy Entrepreneur: Did you realize you can create a multimillion dollar business by just being able to dial the telephone? Its true and Im going to prove it to you right now. Dont worry. I?m not talking about telemarketing or phone sales or selling long distance plans or any junk like that. What I?m talking about is the fact that *you* can get hundreds of people on the phone who will pay to listen to you or someone else speak on a topic that is of interest to them. It happens thousands of times around the world every week. And you?re about to learn how you can cash in on an exploding market no matter which niche market you focus on.

Teleseminars are one of the fastest ways to make contact with and build a relationship with your existing clients and prospects. No matter what business you are in, you can profit from successful Teleseminars. Here are just a few of the different ways you can benefit from Teleseminars:

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Caring for Pets During Hurricane Sandy - Radnor, PA Patch

The Federal Emergency Management Agency via its website has tips for pet owners to keep their pets safe in an emergency.?

The full list of FEMA tips is available here.?

Some key tips include identifiying hotels and motels that are pet-friendly if you have to leave your home.

FEMA's tips to shelter your pet include:

  • If you have to leave but can't take your pet: "Confine your pet to a safe area inside -?NEVER?leave your pet chained outside! Leave them loose inside your home with food and plenty of water. Remove the toilet tank lid, raise the seat and brace the bathroom door open so they can drink. Place a notice outside in a visible area, advising what pets are in the house and where they are located. Provide a phone number where you or a contact can be reached as well as the name and number of your vet."?
  • "Most boarding kennels, veterinarians and animal shelters will need your pet's medical records to make sure all vaccinations are current. Include copies in your "pet survival" kit along with a photo of your pet."

Some items you should have onhand in addition to food and any medication needed are:

  • Newspapers (for sanitary purposes)?
  • FEMA suggests to "Feed the animals moist or canned food so they will need less water to drink."
  • "In an emergency, you may have to take your birds with you," says "Talk with your veterinarian or local pet store about special food dispensers that regulate the amount of food a bird is given."
  • A first aid kit
  • Collar with ID, harness or leash
  • Crate or pet carrier

Print out the attached PDF above for your emergency kit.?


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The Best Hotel Room Workout - Health News and Views -


Getty Images

I travel a lot for my job, so I?m often on the go without a lot of time to exercise. Instead of skipping my workouts all together, I make up my own hotel-room workout using nothing but my body weight and furniture.I always aim for a full body routine that will burn calories, build muscle, and get my heart pumping. This 20-minute workout (including a 5-minute warm-up) will exercise your entire body and leave you a sweaty mess by the end! Even if you don?t have travel plans, try this workout at home or at the gym for equally as amazing results!

After warming up for 5 minutes (try jumping jacks or jogging in pace), set your watch/clock to 15 minutes and then do as many full circuits of the following exercises in that amount of time. Move from one exercise to the next without stopping, but be sure to work at your own pace.

hotel room workout The Best Hotel Room Workout

Note: please consult your doctor before starting a new exercise program.
More: Read Tina?s daily food and fitness blog, Carrots ?N? Cake.


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Video Traffic Academy - Make Money Online | Free Traffic Building ...

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!

Video Traffic Academy: The Complete Guide to Video Marketing, Making Great Videos and YouTubeClick Image To Visit SiteLewis Howes here, and are you looking to automate your business? Tired of struggling to make ends meet month by month and ready to find that breakthrough you are looking for?

My good friend James Wedmore is about to reveal the biggest reason why YouTube is one of the best ways to become the go-to person in your industry, automate ongoing traffic to your site, and grow your business fast!

James is the top YouTube marketing guy in the business, and companies pay him top dollar just to get an hour of his time to share his secrets. Make sure to watch this brand new video until the end and learn the step-by-step process on how to finally leverage YouTube (the right way) to dominate search engines, get massive traffic and leads to your site.

If you are like most business today, you are actively using social media to grow your business. And most businesses DON?T know how to properly use YouTube to grow their business? EASILY.

There is a small group of smart business owners that HAVE learned the secret to leveraging YouTube along with their other online marketing? and profited big time because of it!

As the author of a book on LinkedIn, and webinar marketing and contributing writer for and, I?ve been successfully using social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for for years.

There is no question that social media has made thousands of corporate businesses, small businesses, entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, freelancers and more? Millions and Millions of dollars. It?s kinda crazy how many people have quit their jobs because of social media, and have finally started following their passions by building an audience to monetize their businesses directly.

"James demonstrates excellent knowledge of marketing and advertising by reaching your audience in a very effective manner using video and social media. He always sees the "big picture" and can help one develop creative concepts to help a customer achieve their end goal as it relates to telling their story in order to provide greater brand awareness which leads to new business."

"James! Your training is excellent! THe information was well-presented, immediately useful and extremely valuable to anyone who wants to maximize the potential of YouTube. I am certain many of our clients will be candidates for your program. I thought you did a great job of explaining, in a short period of time, information that can be used right now to generate exposure. I will highly recommend it to friends and clients alike."

"From start to finish James helped take my ideas and transformed them into financial success. His expertise in video and marketing has helped me develop, position and market my idea into a stellar product and has been a complete pleasure. His attention to detail, cutting edge ideas and fast implementation was easy and enjoyable.

Thanks James, for holding my hand every step of the way and showing me how to make my product? Read more?

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Study Says Antibiotics Connected To Childhood ObesityYour Health ...

From a local NBC affiliate?..

A new study adds to the growing list of concerns about the potential danger of antibiotics by suggesting giving a baby the drugs too soon could set them up for being overweight children.

The study said babies exposed to antibiotics before they?re 6 months old are likely to be chubby toddlers, though their weight tends to return to average by the time they?re 7.

Researchers found that unnecessary use of the drugs can disrupt healthy bacteria in the gut, leading the body to make and store more fat.

Dr. Anthony GiaQuinta, a pediatrician with Hendricks Regional Health, said if antibiotics are contributing to childhood obesity, this is one factor doctors can control.

?We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic? If we can identify risk factors and hopefully prevent obesity before it occurs, then we can have dramatic effects down the line,? GiaQuinta said.

To read the full story?..Click here

This entry was posted in Health / Fitness Articles and tagged Childhood Obesity, Len Saunders by Len Saunders. Bookmark the permalink.


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Blog - GF Sprague Roofing

Call G.F. Sprague now at 781-455-0556 if you want to be placed on our Emergency Storm Response list.

Hurricane Sandy presently a Category 2 Hurricane is anticipated to make US landfall at roughly 8AM on Tuesday, October 30th. The Nation?s Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is presently projecting the the landfall to happen between Virginia and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.

Paul Douglas, the main Meteorologist for Weathernation TV, Star Tribune?s On Weather with Paul Douglas, on October 25th@1PM stated;

?Sandy resembles Hurricane Sophistication, which morphed into ?An Ideal Storm? on Halloween, 1991. The commonalities are striking?.Residents from Miami to Boston need to stay up on the forecast, discuss contingency plans, and be ready to take measures to lower the risk to life and property.?

Call G.F. Sprague now at 781-455-0556 if you want to be placed on our Emergency Storm Response list.

Avoid the risk of storm damage occurring to your property, and not having G.F. Sprague immediately available to fix it.

G.F. Sprague Hurricane and Storm Damage Repair Experts for Massachusetts

Massachusetts Shelters Information

Resident in need of shelter should call 2-1-1 for the latest information on shelter locations.

Below are some resources that you might find helpful:

?Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency Guidelines

FRAMINGHAM, MA ? With the possible threat of Hurricane Sandy following a track that could have a major impact on New England early next week, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) recommends actions that people can take to minimize the potential damage from this storm.

?Early planning and preparation can be the key to your safety,? states MEMA Director Kurt Schwartz. ?It is important to use your time wisely and not wait until the last minute to ensure your family?s safety.?

Here are some examples of steps you should be taking:

Make sure you have a well-stocked Family Disaster Kit in the event you lose power or are isolated for a number of days.

  • Trim back trees and shrubbery around your home. Remove diseased or damaged tree limbs that could be blown down, causing damage, during a storm.
  • Clear clogged rain gutters. This storm brings the potential for torrential rain. Providing clear drainage will help prevent misdirected flooding.
  • Bring in outdoor items such as lawn furniture, trash barrels, hanging plants, toys and awnings that can be broken or picked up by strong winds and used as a missile.
  • Make sure storage sheds, children?s playhouses or other outbuildings are securely anchored, either to a permanent foundation or with straps and ground anchors.
  • Elevate articles in your basement that could be damaged from even minor flooding.
  • Make temporary plywood covers to protect windows and sliding doors. Drill holes for screws or lag bolts in each cover and around each window. Note: Taping of windows does not prevent them from breaking.
  • Keep you vehicles fully fuelled.
  • Have a certain amount of cash available.? If power is lost, ATMs may not be working.
  • Make a record of your personal property.? Keep an itemized list of your furniture, clothing and valuables to assist adjusters in case of a claim. Back it up with photographs or video.
  • Protect your insurance policies and other important documents in a secure place like a safe deposit box or a watertight box. Many people back up important documents online.
  • Learn where gas pilots and water mains are located and how to safely shut off all utilities.
  • Lock doors and windows to ensure that they are closed tight to help protect against strong winds and rain.
  • Boat owners, who plan on taking their vessel out of the water soon, should consider doing so this weekend.
  • Download the free?ping4alert!?app to your Smartphone to receive important weather alerts and messages from MEMA.? Easy instructions are available at?

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) is the state agency responsible for coordinating federal, state, local, voluntary and private resources during emergencies and disasters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. MEMA provides leadership to: develop plans for effective response to all hazards, disasters or threats; train emergency personnel to protect the public; provide information to the citizenry; and assist individuals, families, businesses and communities to mitigate against, prepare for, and respond to and recover from emergencies, both natural and man made. For additional information about MEMA and Storm Preparedness, go to?



Nichole Hoban
Nichole Hoban is the Controller and Blogger for G.F. Sprague in Needham Ma. She blogs about home improvement, roofing, gutters, chimneys, windows, and other residential topics.


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Oil refineries shut down as Hurricane Sandy nears

Discussing how Hurricane Sandy could impact energy prices in the Northeast, with Matt Smith, Energy Burrito blog author, and the problems gas stations could encounter because of the storm, with John Eichberger, National Association of Convenience Store...

By Janet McGurty , Reuters

NEW YORK ??The second-largest refinery on the U.S. East Coast was shutting down on Sunday and three other plants cut output as Hurricane Sandy threatened widespread power outages and a massive storm surge across the region.?

Phillips 66 has begun shutting its 238,000-barrels-per day (bpd) Bayway, N.J., refinery, nicknamed the "gasoline machine" because of its key role supplying motor fuel to the New York City area. The plant, the only one to close during Hurricane Irene last year, should be completely shut by early Monday morning, the company said in a statement.?

The region's biggest refinery, Philadelphia Energy Solutions' 330,000-bpd facility in Philadelphia, has begun to reduce rates, according to a source familiar with the plant. The refinery had shut an acid unit but it was unclear by how much rates had been cut at the other units.

PBF Energy reduced output at its Delaware plant and Hess Corp curbed runs in New Jersey, sources said, as Sandy affected operations at refineries that account for two-thirds of the East Coast's 1.2-million-bpd capacity.

While major refineries are built to withstand hurricane-force winds, they are vulnerable to power outages, which can damage units in the case of a "cold shutdown", as well as flood damage if the storm surge accompanying Sandy ? forecast to be as high as 11 feet ? breaches their defenses.?

Oil traders were already factoring in a potential squeeze on fuel supplies. Benchmark gasoline futures jumped 1 percent and heating oil rose 0.6 percent as New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) trading began on Sunday evening, U.S. time. Crude oil prices dipped by 0.4 percent.

Sandy, forecast to come ashore late Monday or early Tuesday as one of the widest storms ever to hit the area, is expected to create strong winds and dangerous flooding to the East Coast from the Mid-Atlantic states to New England.?

Hurricane Irene, which hit the region in August 2011, caused severe flooding and power outages along the East Coast as well as some refinery disruptions. Phillips 66 closed the Bayway refinery while other refiners cut rates, but the oil industry escaped Irene with relatively little, if any, damage.

Storm Tracker: Live interactive map of Hurricane Sandy

The CME Group halted all NYMEX floor trading for Monday, although electronic trade, which makes up the lion's share of the exchange's futures activity, will continue normally.

The storm comes as low inventories of refined products, especially distillates and heating oil, have stirred concerns of potential price spikes during the winter heating season.?

The Colonial Pipeline, a critical supply link for the East Coast which carries about 15 percent of the country's gasoline and diesel from Gulf Coast refineries up to the New York Harbor, is preparing for the storm, spokesman Steve Baker said.

The pipeline activated its hurricane preparedness plan on Friday afternoon and has started making sure emergency generators are in place, as well as sandbagging critical areas that may be prone to flooding.

Buckeye Pipeline, which owns and operates about 6,000 miles of oil product pipelines mostly north and west of Philadelphia, has prepared a hurricane contingency plan.

"Buckeye will continue to operate their pipelines as scheduled until the time that it is no longer safe to do so, or power or product availability make it no longer possible to run a particular line section," the company said in a statement.

"Buckeye has secured some generator capability that is being staged strategically to provide temporary power to certain pump stations," it said.

Mike Santoli, Yahoo Finance senior columnist, shares his final thoughts on Hurricane Sandy's impact on the markets as it barrels towards the East Coast.

Vessels in and out of some southern and Mid-Atlantic ports are operating under Coast Guard storm conditions.

In Hampton Roads, near Plains All American's 6.6-million-barrel crude and oil products storage facility in Yorktown, Va., coastal waters are closed and under code Zulu, the highest warning level. The warning extends from Virginia to the Maryland/Delaware border, with expectations of gale-force winds within 12 hours.

Phillips 66 said it had temporarily shut its Riverhead, N.Y. ?and Tremley Point, N.J., oil terminals.

The New York Harbor is under Code Yankee, with gale-force winds seen within 24 hours.

PBF Energy began to cut rates by an unspecified amount the crude unit, coker and gasoline-making fluid catalytic cracking unit at its 190,000-barrels-per-day plant in Delaware Cityon, as well as some downstream units, a source familiar with refinery operations said.?

"We continue to treat this storm seriously. We have comprehensive preparedness plans in place and will continue to follow them as well," said Michael Karlovich, a spokesman for the company.

The status of PBF Energy's 180,000-bpd Paulsboro plant in southern New Jersey, across the Delaware River from the Philadelphia area, was not immediately clear.

Meanwhile, Hess Corp was to begin cutting rates at its 70,000-bpd refinery in Port Reading, N.J., at 6 p.m. EDT as a precaution, a company spokesperson said.

Delta Air Lines' 185,000-bpd Monroe Energy plant in Trainer, Pa., was monitoring the storm.

"We have not and do not anticipate changing operation at this juncture," said a source familiar with operations. "We are on the leeward side of the storm's path."

Other industrial facilities were also affected. Dow Chemical Co said it would temporary close three plants in New Jersey ahead of Hurricane Sandy, as well as its East Coast headquarters in Philadelphia and a research facility nearby.?

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