Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gift Hub: From My Morals Tutorial Scrapbook

Me in better times. I had been brought in by the 85 year old Patriarch, Bill (Bull) Doggit, founder of the Smithfield Pork Belly Fortune, to assist Gen 3, his grandaughters,? Jennie and Josie.? The fate of the fortune, I was told, rested upon my ability to protect these?charming heirs from predators and creditors while helping build their Three Capitals: Personal Virtue, Intellectual Acumen, and Social Graces. An outside auditor had concluded the girls were neither morally bankrupt nor treasure houses of Virtue, but modestly in the black, more or less empty vessels. As their mentor, I would increase their Virtue and decrease their Vices, to net out to a positive. In this way, Bull Doggit told me the family fortune would persist for another generation. "Only if these females grow their virtues," he said, "can we grow the family assets, rooted in my own virtues." Well, push soon came to shove, under a full moon.?Bull almost killed me out behind the boathouse swinging an anchor. I escaped out to sea by clinging to an overturned canoe. That was my last real morals mentoring gig.??Live and learn.? Next time I want?.5 percent of the family fortune annually with a five year guarantee.? For that kind of money I could learn to control my own impulsivity.


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