Monday, October 15, 2012

How Do Weight?Loss Medications Work? - Fitness workouts

Obesity is now a world-wide issue that worries all the health and fitness experts. Everywhere you go, you will hear different weight-related problems. So why is this actually a big deal? Obesity is not just about having high body fat percentage. It is quite important to know that obesity is a medical condition that increases the risks of diabetes and high blood pressure.

?A Remedy for Obesity

As mentioned earlier, the said condition could bring a lot of harm to the body. With this being said, it is a good thing that there are available medications now that may be a remedy for obesity. However, these medications are actually prescription drugs. A doctor must supervise the whole weight-loss program to ensure the safety of the patient. Not everyone is entitled for these prescribed weight-loss drugs. This is actually an option only given to those people with a body mass index of more than 27 and has health problems.

?Different Kinds of Weight Loss Medications

There are different types of prescribed weight-loss medications nowadays. One of the most popular options is the appetite suppressant. It usually comes in extended-release capsules. It works by increasing the serotonin levels in the body. This way, you can easily decrease hunger pangs and avoid unwanted cravings. Phentermine is the number one appetite suppressant being prescribed by doctors. However, this medication is only intended for 60 to 90 days of use.

Well, another type of drug that is being prescribed nowadays is the fat inhibitor. Fat inhibitors ensure that your body will not absorb the fat content in the meal that you have just eaten. The fat content are degraded efficiently and excreted in the bowel movement. When using a fat inhibitor, it is important to observe a low-fat diet since regular fat absorption can be really messy. The most popular fat inhibitor is Xenical. It over-the-counter part is Alli. Unlike appetite suppressants, fat inhibitors have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for longer term of use.

?The Inevitable Risks of Prescription Weight-loss Medications

Though weight-loss medications are effective, most of the available options are actually controlled by the FDA. Believe it or not, these medications may bring some risky effect in the body such as addiction, developed tolerance, and of course, the side effects. The finest example is Phentermine. Since it has similar properties with amphetamines, there are neurological side-effects that may develop once it is abused. As for the side-effects, some of it could range from mild to severe. Some of the noted side-effects for Phentermine are increased heart rate, depression, anxiety, increased heart rate, insomnia, constipation, severe headache, dehydration, and excessive sweating. Meanwhile, for Xenical, the effects are abdominal cramps, steatorrhea, inability to control bowel movements, and stomach gas. And once you eat fatty food, everything gets worse.

These are just some of the things that you have to know about weight-loss medications. Always remember that it is not a cure-all drug. Once your doctor prescribes you this, it is also important to change your lifestyle so as to maximize the efficacy of the weight-loss drugs.

Jenny is a free lancer writer of many websites in health niches. She spends her entire day in local internet browsing of DietPillRating.


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