Monday, June 3, 2013

Women's Groups, Campaign Finance Reformers To Combine Efforts ...

Here is the full version of my ?"Albany Insider" column from today:

With just three weeks left in the legislative session, women?s groups pushing to strengthen the state?s abortion laws and a coalition seeking the creation of a state public campaign finance system are set to combine forces.

The idea is to jointly amp up public pressure on the four-member Independent Democratic Caucus that controls the Senate with the Republicans to bring the measures to the floor for a vote ?as a progressive litmus test,? a source with knowledge of the talks said.

?We understand we have shared targets and shared goals and that you should probably expect greater collaboration over the next three weeks,? said Andrea Miller, president of NARAL Pro-Choice New York.

Miller argues that the IDC committed to moving ?progressive? issues when they entered into an unprecedented power-sharing arrangement with the GOP rather than side with the Dems to give them the majority in the chamber.

The IDC, which helped pass gun control legislation and a minimum wage hike, supports public financing and a strengthening of the abortion laws. But the Senate GOP, which as part of the joint coalition can block any legislation from coming to the floor, vehemently opposes both measures.

? ?The IDC has demonstrated they are committed to the issues, but given their? unique power positions, simply being supportive on the issues isn?t sufficient,? Miller said.?

Karen Scharff, executive director of Citizens Action New York, which is part of the Fair Elections Coalition pushing for public financing, confirmed talks of the last minute joint effort, but said no set strategy has been agreed upon. Both coalitions--which have met regularly with Gov. Cuomo--have individually targeted IDC and Republican members with mailings in their districts in recent days.

IDC spokesman Eric Soufer called the efforts ?bizarre? since the campaign finance coalition has not backed IDC legislation that he and some advocates call ?the most comprehensive campaign finance reform?bill currently in the legislature against moneyed interests who want to maintain the status quo.?

IDC member Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) said rather than just focusing on abortion, Miller and the women?s groups should be calling for passage of the IDC?s package to guarantee women equal pay, subsidies for child care, and 12 weeks of maternity leave.

?Andrea Miller should stop speaking only on behalf of the Manhattan women who lunch, and start fighting for real, working women,? Savino said.


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